EstateEdge Sales Kit

Paving the Way to Sales Success


July -Oct 2023 (3 months)


UX/UI Designer - Mobile app version

The Problem

The market operates at a breakneck pace, where properties often change hands swiftly. This urgency demands quick responses, making it essential for representatives to be always accessible and well-informed. Additionally, the competitive landscape necessitates professionalism and accuracy in every interaction, with clients expecting up-to-the-minute information and impeccable service.

The Solution

Product Overview

EstateEdge Sales Kit is a visionary project crafted to revolutionize the internal sales processes of a major property development company in Vietnam. As a UX/UI designer primarily responsible for the mobile app version, I collaborated with a fellow designer who managed the website version.

Our mission:

To elevate the productivity and efficiency of the company's real estate sales representatives through a user-friendly and intuitive tool.

This case study unveils the journey of bringing the EstateEdge Sales Kit to life.


Before I came on board, the concept for the EstateEdge Sales Kit had already been initiated, and initial work was underway. Recognizing the potential impact of the app, I enthusiastically joined the project to contribute to its development.

Real estate sales staff faces the daunting challenge of juggling various resources, from property information to marketing collateral, often resulting in precious time lost and information gaps that could hinder sales efforts.

The Process

We followed the the Design Thinking process to tackle the problem.

Gaining Insight

The first step towards crafting a transformative sales tool was to immerse ourselves in the world of the company's real estate sales representatives.

We conducted interviews, surveys, and observed sales staff during their daily work to gain insights into their interactions with existing tools and resources for accessing sales materials. Data from the company’s monthly surveys are also used to identify user needs, pain points, and aspirations.

Interview questions:

  • Can you describe your typical day as a real estate sales representative?

  • What are your primary responsibilities when dealing with clients and properties?

  • Are there specific tasks or activities that you find particularly challenging or time-consuming in your role?

  • Are there any features or functionalities in your current tools that you find lacking or frustrating?

  • How do you typically communicate with your clients (e.g., phone calls, emails, in-person meetings)?

  • How do you access property details, listings, and client information while on the field?

  • Do you face any challenges in quickly finding or updating property information during client meetings or property tours?

  • Are there any obstacles that hinder your efficiency or effectiveness in closing deals?

  • What improvements or changes in technology or processes do you think could make your job easier and more successful?


After analyzing the data gathered via research, we created 2 personas to clearly define our users.

Pain Points

Accessing up-to-date information

Real estate sales representatives expressed frustration with their difficulty in obtaining the latest and most accurate sales information. The existing tools and resources were not consistently updated, resulting in instances of incorrect data and missed opportunities.

Offline access

In the field, sales representatives frequently encountered problems with internet connection. This posed a hindrance to accessing crucial sales kit information when required, impacting their confidence in presenting properties to potential clients.

Complex navigation

Sales representatives encountered challenges in dealing with the intricacies of their existing tools. Navigating through the extensive array of sales materials across multiple platforms was arduous, impeding their efficiency and necessitating time-consuming searches.

Customization options

Sales personnel expressed a desire for greater flexibility in customizing sales kit materials, such as incorporating their contact details into real estate images. At present, they are compelled to use various external tools for such tasks.

Concept and Ideation:

The EstateEdge Sales Kit app was developed with a clear mission in mind: to address the specific pain points experienced by real estate sales representatives.

While the website version successfully empowered the marketing department to upload and manage marketing materials efficiently, it became evident that a dedicated mobile app was needed to cater to the unique needs of the sales team. This strategic decision was driven by the recognition of the challenges faced by sales representatives, including the difficulties of accessing up-to-date information, grappling with complex navigation across multiple platforms, struggling with offline access in the field, and desiring greater customization options.

By creating the EstateEdge app, the organization aimed to streamline the sales process, enhance productivity, and provide sales representatives with a user-friendly tool that empowers them to excel in their roles and deliver an exceptional client experience.

Brainstorming sessions and user flow diagram were instrumental in creating a clear vision for the app.

Information Architecture

Design & prototyping

Armed with user insights, we commenced the design phase by creating wireframes and high-fidelity prototyes for the mobile app.

During this stage, feedback from real estate sales representatives was actively sought and incorporated. A selected group of representatives participated in the testing phase, allowing for a thorough examination of the app's performance and usability in a real-world context. Feedback gathered from this group guided iterative improvements, with a keen focus on addressing user concerns and optimizing the app's functionality.

The Final Product

Style Guide

View the Figma file for the EstateEdge Sales Kit App here.

Key Achievements

The development of the EstateEdge Sales Kit mobile app was a collaborative effort that successfully addressed the unique needs of real estate sales representatives within the property development company. By following a user-centered design approach, conducting extensive research, and collaborating with various stakeholders, the UX/UI design team delivered a powerful tool that improved efficiency and productivity. Some key achievements measured during the beta testing phase are:

  • Streamlined Property Listing and Sales Process: The implementation of the EstateEdge Sales Kit mobile app resulted in a remarkable 27% reduction in the time required for real estate sales representatives to manage property listings and sales activities. Tasks such as updating property information, generating reports, and communicating with clients were now completed more efficiently.

  • Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity: As a direct result of using the mobile app, the sales team experienced a boost in productivity. The app's streamlined features, including instant access to property data, customizable sales materials, and offline functionality, allowed sales representatives to engage with clients more effectively and close deals 15% faster.

  • Positive User Feedback: Feedback from internal testers was overwhelmingly positive, with 95% of participants expressing satisfaction with the app's user-friendly design and functionality. Testers cited improved usability, a more intuitive interface, and a reduction in manual data entry as key highlights of the app.


The design process of the EstateEdge Sales Kit app has been an enlightening journey that has challenged me as a UX/UI designer in various ways. Perhaps the most significant challenge in this project was striking the right balance between simplicity and flexibility in the app's features. Sales representatives needed an app that was easy to use, yet powerful enough to meet their diverse needs. To address this, I employed an iterative design approach, continuously refining the app's interface and functionality based on user feedback. This process required the willingness to acknowledge that initial design choices were not always perfect. Turning these early mistakes into learning opportunities was a key lesson I took away from this project.

One crucial lesson I learned is that UX design is not just about creating aesthetically pleasing interfaces; it's about solving real problems and enhancing user experiences. The feedback loop with internal testers and sales representatives emphasized the importance of listening and adapting to user needs, even when it meant reevaluating design decisions. This has reinforced my belief in the iterative nature of design and the value of usability testing in every stage of a project.

The project has indeed changed my outlook as a designer. While I've always understood the importance of delivering value to businesses, this project underscored the necessity of aligning design solutions with broader organizational goals. It highlighted the need to find the intersection between user needs, business objectives, and technical feasibility. In this case, creating an app that streamlined sales processes not only delighted users but also brought tangible value to the business by increasing productivity and sales.

Looking ahead, the project remains an ongoing endeavor. The iterative nature of design means there is no clear endpoint. To take this project to the next level, I would focus on further enhancements based on user feedback and evolving market dynamics. This includes fine-tuning customization options, expanding offline capabilities, and exploring ways to integrate emerging technologies like augmented reality for property tours. The journey of improving and evolving the EstateEdge Sales Kit app continues, driven by a commitment to delivering even greater value to both users and the business.

Whether you have a burning question, a project idea, or just want to say hi, I'd love to hear from you.

Contact me at ✨

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